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Pam_smbmount is software that mounts file systems for user sessions.
It consists of a pluggable authentication module, daemon psmd and a psmount utility.
Pam_smbmount is intended for servers with simultaneously working users.
Currently it supports following file systems:
any file systems that does not require user password for mounting (ext3, ntfs, nfs ...)
With pam_smbmount you can:
mount volumes when user starts session
unmount volumes when user exits from system
configure users that are allowed to mount particular volume(s) in configuration file
exclude any part of user name when mounting volumes
use special variables in configuration file in volume arguments
Advantages of pam_smbmount:
Uses utmp database to decide whether user has logged off
Hold database of mounted volumes per user. This feature permits usage of pam_smbmount on
multi-user servers
Mounts any amount of volumes without essential delay of authentication process
Tries to remount volume if first attempt failed. You can set amount of tries in configuration file
Doesn't stop unmounting volume if first attempt failed
Last updated: March 2007
latest news:
new release availible for download
release 0.2.1 availible for download
working towards new release
New release 0.3.0 availible for download
Release 0.3.1 availible for download